About The Post

Jesse Foster

Sunlight floods through the inside of the southern-facing windows, welcoming newcomers to The Post. Bushy plants line the indoor patio an the familiar friendly feeling floods the senses. A dapper-looking man is stationed behind the bar top. Jesse Foster welcomes everyone with a wide smile and a booming voice.

Originally from Alabama, Jesse Foster grew up with southern hospitality as a part of his day-to-day life. Before leaving the state, Foster worked to receive a Ph.D. in Psychology with a focus on curriculum, instruction, and instructional technology.

Finally moving to Nebraska in 2001, Foster worked at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln before giving it all up. “I got tired of listening to other people,” Foster said. “I wanted to do something fun.”  Foster then started The Post which brings a funky and light twist on a cocktail lounge experience.

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It all starts with

Jesse's Mom

It all traces back to Jesse Foster's mother, who used to sneak out of Parker High School in Birmingham, Alabama, to attend the rallies led by Martin Luther King Jr. During these marches, photographs captured the water hoses used to disperse the demonstrators. Foster mentioned that a photograph of his mother is displayed in a Washington, D.C., museum. "There's a picture of my mother wrapped around a post, holding on while being sprayed down," Foster said. "My sisters and I all agree that none of our achievements would have been possible without that post." Now, The Post, a bar named in honor of Foster's mother, features posts that are used to share stories of various artists.
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